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Director’s Desk March 2020

Lockdown not shutdown

The next few weeks will certainly test the areas in our personal armoury where there are weaknesses. Our patience, ability to adapt and emotional toughness will be stretched to the limit, and the way to absorb the shock is by breathing, looking and learning.

Then, when we’re ready, we’ll take action by seeking ways to continue, improve and better ourselves. After all, being proactive is part of our DNA. Before we can do this, though, there are some steps we simply cannot miss. We have to acknowledge and accept the current situation, strengthen our mental fitness, accept that change is inevitable, make a mindshift so that we can do things differently, and make use of this time to prepare.

We’ll help you as much as we can, empowering you to turn this into a time to spark ideas and innovation. We’ve already started looking for ways to help MIWA members improve their businesses and offer a more professional service, and we’ve hosted a virtual training session to help us hone in on how to hunt for business. We’ll continue in this vein, and are preparing a series of podcasts that will offer advice and guidance on this and other topics, such as effective business management. We’re also here to provide information about how to get your workshop started once more when the lockdown lifts. 

Now that we’re all at home, there is a less of a need for social distancing (unless you’ve had to leave the house to stock up on essentials, of course) – instead, we must work on distancing ourselves from fear. Don’t get caught up in the hype created by TV and social media. Remember that the sun will rise on April 17, just as it always has.

That said, we need to take stock of the fact that the way we work, learn and protect our families and businesses is unlikely to remain the same. Changes are undoubtedly in store, and we will have to adjust.

As the RMI and MIWA, we will do all we can to help you in this as we strive to improve our value proposition and invest in our own abilities so that we can serve you to the utmost of our ability.

Pieter Niemand, MIWA National Director