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You, oil, and the law

Your municipality is constantly on the lookout for contaminated waste water. Are you prepared?

Did you know that most municipalities state in their by-laws that it is against the law for any person or company to allow materials like fat, grease, and oil to accumulate in drains, especially if this makes the drain ineffective?

That’s why it’s essential to invest in an oil/water separator. These devices – which aim to trap oil and grease so that they are not released into the waste stream – are made compulsory by South Africa’s environmental law. Nor are you likely to get away with skimping on this investment, as most local municipalities test the quality of waste stream water quality regularly. Your workshop may be held liable if the municipality finds any oils that have contaminated the waste stream. 

Remember that oil separators are available in a variety of configurations, sizes, and materials, so select one that is best suited to your purposes. Having an oil separator is also part of the MIWA accreditation criteria and a mandatory item for compliance.