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Photo by Bongkarn Thanyakij on Unsplash

Keep busy

As you’ll have realised by now, time spent idle is a trap for brooding and stewing.

This is where we’re fortunate: as one Internet meme has it, imagine if this had happened in 2005. Now, we have a surfeit of online resources offering ideas to keep kids busy with crafts, free exercise classes, science experiments – even puppet shows. A quick Google is all it takes to come up with novel suggestions for spending time for you, too. If you’re not into learning a new hobby, taking a virtual tour of an international art museum or gallery, streaming a free performance from your favourite musician or singer, or upping your skills with a free online university course, a number of South African game reserves (including the Kruger National Park) are offering virtual safaris. Log on to the Internet to do a bit of exploring – but remember that it’s not necessary to set goals to become an improved version of yourself. This is an angst-ridden situation for everyone, and if it’s all you can do to get up and shower, that’s fine, too.